Thursday, December 12, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

After seeing the movie Silver Linings Playbook for the 7 billionth time in a row, I finally decided to read the book by Matthew Quick. The story begins in the novel exactly as it does in the movie: a man named Pat is wandering through his day at the mental institution he currently lives in. He keeps speaking of a woman named Nicky, who I later learned is his wife. Pat is in the mental institution because he one day walked in on his wife cheating on him with another man. Pat was so enraged he almost beat the man to death. (Who can blame him, though?) Pat then was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and sent to the mental institution for four years. Pat is visited by his mother who has decided to take him out of the institution and bring him home to be with his family. As odd as this may sound, I greatly admire Pat. His motto is "excelsior", which translates to mean "ever upward". He chose this motto because he believes in silver linings, despite all of the hardships he has faced. He keeps moving forward with his life. Pat's character is beautiful because of his perseverance to win Nicky back, which he demonstrates by avidly working out and doing all of the things Nicky loves in a man. This dedication and love he has for her, despite the fact that she cheated on him, is a very moving topic. The idea that this man loves his wife so much that he would completely change not only himself but his outlook on life is an idea that is unfathomable to me. One can only dream of having someone love them in this way. All the while, I am hoping and wishing Nicky will take him back, and they will live happily ever after. But then I meet Tiffany. Tiffany is a relative of a friend of Pat's, and she is just as beautifully messed up as Pat is. She and Pat engage in a strange friendship in which they both seem to reluctantly need each other. In a way, I get the feeling that they are helping each other. This part of the novel almost frustrates me because I was unsure of how to feel. On one hand, I wanted Nicky to realize Pat's love for her. On the other hand, I couldn't help but be excited when Pat and Tiffany are with each other. WHO AM I ROOTING FOR??! Finally, though, I found the answer: I am rooting for both sides. I am hoping Nicky realizes Pat's love and therefore realizes what she is missing out on, but I am also wishing Pat and Tiffany fall in love because they ultimately bring out the best in each other and understand the extreme difficulties life sometimes throws at people. They deserve to be together, and they deserve their silver lining.